Experts in Galvanizing

It all started in 1984 and has grown to two galvanizing plants in Western Australia and a walkway and steel fabrication business. With a century of combined management experience and a galvanizing capacity in excess of 60,000tonnes per year, Hartway has the facilities to be your best choice of partner for the largest projects in the State.

Our local presence guarantees quality, gives you easy access to the decision makers, shortens supply windows and upholds superior service.

Hartway is always a good first step when you need to explore options to protect your steel assets.

Providing complete protection from A to Zinc
Every part of a galvanized article is protected, even 
recesses, sharp corners and inaccessible areas.
Providing complete protection from A to Zinc
Every part of a galvanized article is protected, even 
recesses, sharp corners and inaccessible areas.
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Advantages of Galvanizing​

  • Lowest initial cost. Galvanizing is often a lower cost initially than many other commonly specified protective coatings for steel.
  • Lowest life cost. Galvanizing is a hardy, low maintenence coating that usually out lives most other commonly specified coatings for steel. Less maintenence costs and less shut-downs to carry out maintenance, all make it a very competitve coating system.
  • Long life. The life expectancy of galvanized coatings on typical structural members is often over 50 years in most rural environments, and can give you 20 year plus in urban and coastal areas.
  • Reliability. Galvanizing is carried out to Australian / New Zealand Standard 4680, and standard, minimum coating thicknesses are applied. Coating life and performance are reliable and predictable.
  • Hard as nails. A galvanized coating has a unique metallurgical structure which gives outstanding resistance to mechanical damage in transport, erection and service. The base alloy level is 50% harder than steel and so is actually harder than nails…
  •  Automatic protection for damaged areas. Galvanized coatings corrode preferentially to steel, providing cathodic or sacrificial protection to small areas of steel exposed through damage. Unlike organic coatings, small damaged areas need no touch up.
  • Complete protection. Every part of a galvanized article is protected, even recesses, sharp corners and inaccessible areas. No coating applied to a structure or fabrication after completion can provide the same protection
  • Ease of inspection. Galvanized coatings are assessed readily by eye, and simple non-destructive thickness testing methods can be used. The galvanizing process is such that if coatings appear sound and continuous, they are sound and continuous.
  • Faster project rigging. The galvanized steel is ready to be used immediately.
  • Coatings are applied quicker than most commonly specified coatings for steel; The galvanizing process does not depend on weather conditions

Hartway Projects